Changing lives with healthy habits + healthy recipes

My name is Carla Michelin and I am a certified Health Coach. I was born on November 20th, 1966, Caxias Do Sul, Brazil.

7 years of experiences

Since my early thirties I have been in close contact with the area of nutrition, however, it was around 7 years ago when I really began to get involved with it and have dedicated most of my time to it by making it a career. My health was compromised due an accumulation of bad habits and daily stress. I knew I had to make a change. From that moment on, I decided to take full responsibility for my health and began working on improving it. In order for me to understand what was happening with my health, I decided to become a Health Coach, which gave me a huge opportunity to get involved into this great natural healing world. It’s been a long journey in which I haven’t looked back at ever since I made this transition. This pursuit I went on to improve my overall health became my new way of life.

I believe that once you find out this path, you will never go back to the old one.


The program

My job consists of a program with at least 3 months of follow-up and guidance during this transition phase.

The first consultation includes a general anamnesis where we list all the issues to be addressed during the program. Together, a hair bulb analysis exam is administered, where it will show the deficiencies and imbalances found in 9 health areas of your body, which include:


only I can change my life.
No one can do it for me.